Help! I Hate my Dining Room!
Click here to see the November newsletter
Winner of the Holiday Room Re-do Contest!
We'll keep you posted on the progress!
Holiday Room Re-do Contest!
We'll help you get started in the right direction and avoid costly design mistakes with our 1-1/2 hour in-depth design consultation (a $295 value!).
If you win, you'll receive:
* Personal analysis of our in-depth Client Profile to help us get to know you
* In-person consultation to help us get to know your space - We'll discuss your design goals, and how we can help you to create a space that defines YOUR personal sense of style
* Client Action List/Meeting Notes, so you'll know exactly what needs to be done to begin your dramatic changes
* Custom Paint Specification, including overall color as well as accent color(s)
* Vendor List, with specific retailers recommended just for you and YOUR style
Enjoy the Holidays with family & friends in a home that you're happy to entertain in and proud to show off!
Submit photos by October 16th to:
(Note: Your photo may be featured in the media!)
We'll be picking a winner on October 19th!
Follow us on Twitter - and we'll be posting the top three photos so YOU can help us choose the winner!
October Newsletter is here!

Executive Home Office
Great traditional office set-up. Executive desk, Credenza, and comfortable wing back chairs for your guests. The Oriental rug adds great color, pattern, and texture.
A wall of bookcases always gives an "impressive" feeling. Keep books with the same binding or similar colors together, and add in a few key accessories for a classic look.
All of the necessary (and usually unsightly) office equipment is hidden in this converted closet. When the owners need to meet with clients, they can simply shut the doors and have a perfectly composed space in which to greet them. A great storage system is key, as you can see here. Everything has its place and is convenient to the user.
Check out our morning segment on KTVK Channel 3!
See the segment here:
Announcing the Winners of the Ugliest Home Office Contest!
The Grand Prize Winner won a FREE SPACESplan Start-up Package (a $395 value! - visit our website for more details). Both runner's up will receive a FREE 1-hour consultation. We'll be heading out to the homes in the upcoming weeks and will share their progress/photos with you!
Stay tuned for future contests!
Tips for decorating your first apartment:
2. Artwork on the cheap. Purchase several canvases from the local art store (like Michael’s or Joann) and wrap them with inexpensive fabric remnants. Easily changeable depending on your mood! Or try a wall collage of you favorite items to add impact to blank, white walls. Things like hats, musical instruments, or even record album covers will add a nice punch of color and texture.
3. Accessory items. Most of the time, these are a luxury. But you don’t need many to make an impact. A few well placed, key pieces (like an interesting glass vase) will go much farther than numerous unnecessary items that will just add to a cluttered feeling. Places like Pier 1 and Cost Plus are meccas for inexpensive, cool ethnic (and contemporary) accents. Colorful toss pillows on a neutral sofa will add instant impact, and brighten up your space.
And finally, don't forget to ask your friends and family to "donate" any items that they don't need, you'll be surprised at what you actually get!
Check out our post from 6.29.09 for some great decorating ideas for under $20!
Yay! Back to school time!
Tips for making your dorm room reflect YOUR personality:
You’re pretty limited on what you can do in a dorm room typically. They’ll usually supply you with the basic necessities, such as a bed, desk, nightstand, dresser, etc. And you really can’t change them, they are what they are. But there are a few things you can do in order to give your new space some personal expression (and make it feel a little more like home).
1. Great bedding is the easiest way to add some much needed color to a bland dorm room. There are options in every color, pattern, texture, and price point. Add a few colorful accent pillows for drama - and so you can prop yourself up against the wall for study time.
2. Artwork is always a challenge since you’re not usually able to place any holes in the walls. Especially if the rooms are made of concrete block! Posters are the common choice, but if you want your space to stand out, why not place a collage of colorful record album covers on one wall (use the same thick poster tape to hang them). Or better yet, take one of your favorite photos and blow it up to poster size, playing with the layout or cropping it to make it a little more abstract. This might be especially nice if it’s your first time away from home - you can use a photo that reminds you of home, but no one will have to know! They’ll just think it’s a great piece of unique art.
3. Colorful plastic storage bins placed around the room will add pops of color as well as much needed storage for clothing, books, etc. They can also be used for impromptu seating when necessary!
4. A patterned area rug will also help liven up the space, and add warmth under your feet. Choose a couple of the colors from the bedding as your cue when selecting the perfect one.
Feature in the AZ Business Journal!
Contemporary Nursery - on a budget!
I blocked out some contemporary trees and decided to make the ends of the "branches" out of fabric circles (in all different colors and patterns) to give some added color and texture. The Wallcandy owls that started it all are sitting at the top of one tree and I hand-painted the remaining animals onto the walls using acrylic paints.
All of the colors in the trees and animals came from the bedding I found (on clearance) at Target.
We already owned the dresser, simply freshened it up with a few coats of an awesome lime green paint called Lemon Grass from Behr (the same color that I used for the tops of the trees). Makes the perfect changing table after adding a pad!
Bookshelf is from Ikea, along with the adorable little pendant lamp, and the colorful round area rugs.
Only a couple of animals left to paint on the tree and we're ready for her arrival in November! I'm pretty happy with the way everything has turned out - I hope she loves it as much as I do!
Ugly Home Office Contest! For Phoenix valley residents

for the chance to win a
FREE SPaCESplan Start-up package (a $395 value!)
- In-person consultation to help us get to know your space - We'll discuss your design goals, and how we can help you to create a space that defines YOUR personal sense of style
- Professional measurement of your space
- Client Action List/Meeting Notes, so you'll know exactly what needs to be done to begin your dramatic changes
- Custom Paint Specification, including overall color as well as accent color(s)
We'll be selecting a winner on August 24th!
Don't miss out on the opportunity to turn your Home Office into a space you'll love working in and be proud to have your clients see!
Our brand new ad in the August 2009 issue of Phoenix Home & Garden!
Great article from Examiner.com - Why Hire an Interior Designer?
"...Designers make things not only pretty and stylish but functional and safe. They know the science behind why particular colors work so well together or why they don't. Designers get to know their clients, their lifestyles and how to make a space function the absolute best that it possibly can for them. They understand advanced design and space planning concepts that you just can't pick up by watching a lot of design shows on TV. Oh and designers never, EVER put fake, plastic ivy on your curtain rods.
Although they might charge more per hour, interior designers can actually save you money in the long run. A good designer with solid experience will give you sound advice that can keep you from making expensive mistakes. If full interior design services are absolutely not in your budget, consider purchasing a few hours of consultation time to help ensure your project is getting started off on the right foot...."
Read the rest here:
SPACES Interior Design has recession friendly prices
Judith Mahlin Carter, owner of Spaces Interior Design in Tempe, works to give her customers professional design advice on a do-it-yourself budget.
That business strategy is a smart move as the recession forces consumers to cut spending.
See the rest of the article here:
20 home updates under $20
See the article here:
Amazing what a little drapery (and de-cluttering) can do for a space!
Lighting Design and the Aging Eye
See the rest here:
Creating a Home Office you'll love waking up to
The good news is, creating a beautiful home office you will be proud to show off doesn’t have to break the bank!
The first thing you will need is a good, functional desk. Check out places like Ikea, they have beautiful (and functional) desk units from $140! Check out the Galant series which has tons of flexible options:

Next, make sure you have adequate storage for all office necessities, such as fax machines, paper supplies, pens, pencils, etc. Purchase several different types of storage cabinets, to ensure you’ll be able to keep everything tidy. Filing cabinets are always essential to keep paperwork organized and in its proper place. We really like the multiple options of the Effectiv series from Ikea to keep all those necessities neat and out of sight:

Here are some great tips on "dressing up" your office space:
• Use a minimal amount of accessories to keep the space looking crisp and clean.
• Opt for great artwork on the walls instead of lots of accessory items to clutter up your work surfaces.
• Paint the walls a great color. If you’re afraid of all-over color, paint an accent wall to brighten up the space.
• And last, but not least, make sure you have comfy chairs for you and your guests!
Follow these tips and you will have a beautiful, functional working environment that you will love waking up to every morning!
Need a magician instead of an Interior Designer?
Downsizing can be extremely emotional, especially if it’s not completely by choice. These days, it seems many of us are forced to decide what is important now versus what was important a few years ago. And the size of your home seems to be one thing that just isn’t as important any longer. We’re finding that we can live better (and less stressful) lives in less space. Less space means not only a lower mortgage usually, but less area to clean and less area for clutter to collect.
Check out our June 2009 newsletter for tips to effectively downsize - without losing your mind!
Great post from Frusterio Home Design Blog
Obama's Redecorate on THEIR dime...not ours
"As is traditional, the new President and First-Lady receive an allowance of $100,000 to redecorate their private quarters in the white house. This money comes from American tax dollars, i.e. yours and mine. In a time when we are all having to get creative financially and everyone is learning the value of saving and being financially secure all over again, it seems a little excessive to give the new President $100,000 for some new furniture. Apparently, the Obamas agree. They have declined to use the money allotted and have stated that they will fund their redecorating ventures with their own personal money. Decorator to the stars, Michael S. Smith, will be hired for the job and the cost of the project will remain private due to their decision to pay for everything themselves.
I think this is a great example that the President is setting. Far be it from anyone to say that he shouldn't redecorate if he wants and can afford to. I, however, definitely appreciate his sensitivity to the desperate situations that many Americans are finding themselves in by declining to use their money to fund something they could not do for themselves at this time."
See the entire blog post here
Making your home a stress free sanctuary
"Your home - whether big, small, or somewhere in between - should be your sanctuary, a place where stress is left at the door and your soul is nurtured. For a more comforting environment, gradually implement the following changes into your home":
- Bring the outdoors in. Cut flowers and blooming bulbs, or pieces of wood, rocks and other natural elements can create a feeling of nature indoors.
- Bring green plants into your home, especially varieties that filter indoor pollutants. According to the Foliage for Clean Air Council, these include Gerbera daisies, Boston ferns, English ivy, chrysanthemums, Areca palms, spider plants and golden pothos. The Council recommends having two plants for every 100 square feet.
- Paint a room to correlate with how you want to feel while in that room. For instance, blue and green promote a relaxed feeling and may be good for the bedroom.
- Surround your senses with beauty. Artwork, fragrance, smooth textures and calming sounds all provide a pleasant environment in which to relax.
- Set aside a room or area for peace and calm. A place for spiritual reflection and meditation can provide shelter from noise and distraction.
- Clean out the clutter. A low-maintenance home is refreshing after a day of hectic meetings, errands and chores. Fewer items can mean less frustration.
- Create an atmosphere of love. Display handmade or meaningful gifts from loved ones and photos of family and friends.
- Allow natural light to flow into your home. To take advantage of the sun's cycle without heating up your home, hang linen curtains (organic cotton, if possible) on windows that face north or south. If you have a nice garden or view from a window or two, keep those windows uncovered as much as possible when you are home. Read a book instead of watching television, or listen to music. If you desire or enjoy background noise, consider installing a small fountain to provide a soothing hum.
Check out the entire article here:
Baby Time!
Then, something caught my eye that I had to have from Wallcandy Arts. The cutest removable & reusable owl decals I’ve ever seen! And the price is so reasonable. I can't imagine the cost to have an artist paint these. They look even better in person! If you haven’t checked out Wallcandy, definitely do so.

So, that made me automatically decide on my “theme” – a contemporary forest! Of some kind or another - I’m still working out the details. I’ll keep you posted on the progress! And of course, anything else I might find on my journey...
Pam K.
Very cool article!
“Researchers at the University of Rochester asked a group of interior designers to mock up cocktail lounges in red, blue, and yellow. Subjects were invited to have a drink wherever they liked. Most gravitated to the yellow and red rooms, which proved to be the most socially active areas. But the participants in the blue rooms stayed longer, presumably because blue has a calming effect. (In earlier studies scientists found lower heart rates in blue rooms.)”
Read the entire article here:
This Is Your Brain on Architecture
Lofty Goals
In small spaces, every inch counts – so attention to detail is a must! By utilizing the following tips, you can maximize the amount of space you have.
1. Each furniture piece needs to serve more than one purpose. For example, an antique chest can be used as both a nightstand AND to store extra bedding.
2. Use a few large, interesting pieces, instead of many small items to keep the room feeling open and uncluttered.
3. A large framed mirror can add sparkle and visual interest, as well as help to extend the space.
4. Consider making use of your vertical/wall space. Wall-mounted shelving can provide extra storage for books, while still allowing the floor area below to be utilized.
5. A wall-mounted TV will eliminate the need for a bulky armoire.
Have a troubling small space? We can help!
Dining In - with style
Families are opting to dine-in more than dine-out in these tough economic times - and for good reason. However, a boring or bland dining room can make the idea seem less than appetizing.
We have some interesting ways to spice up your dining room and keep your family coming back for seconds:
1. Paint. This is the easiest designer trick to transforming a space. Use an appetite stimulating color, such as red, green, or brown.
2. Updating the light fixture will instantly brighten your space. Choose a fixture where the light bulbs face the ceiling so you’re not seeing an exposed bulb while dining.
3. Find a character piece to use as a sideboard or buffet. Even in contemporary settings, mixing in a few ethnic pieces will make the space come alive – and provide an interesting conversation piece for guests.
4. Choose a table that fits your family comfortably. There’s nothing worse than bumping elbows while trying to enjoy a wonderful meal.
Spring (or Summer already if you live in Phoenix!) Cleaning
Warmer weather gives us the perfect excuse to open all the windows, clear out clutter from our busy lives and view our rooms with a fresh eye.
To get started, remove everything except your large stationary items like sofas, chairs and tables out of the room. Remove all decorative items and artwork as well, it’s easiest to start with a clean palette.
A fresh coat of paint will do wonders for a room. Not only will the room be clean and fresh, the feeling of the room will dramatically change - with minimal effort and cost. Choose a color from your favorite piece of artwork, or from an area rug you absolutely love.
Then, try changing the placement of your large items that will remain. Get the furniture away from the walls. Experiment with angles and avoid the urge to line everything up on right angles.
Once you have everything where you want it, you can begin to bring back your existing decorative items – but remain objective! If there is an item that doesn’t fit into your new design scheme, but holds a great deal of sentimental value, use it in a guest room or den instead. Bring in new, fresh accessories such as new toss pillows for the sofa, for instant change.
Can't-Miss Ways...Day 5
Can't-Miss Ways...Day 4

Drapery panels will add instant softness, texture and color to your space. There are tons of fabulous, inexpensive pre-made options out there!
Can't-Miss Ways...Day 3

Add an area rug! A patterned rug can add much needed color and interest to an otherwise bland space.
And remember...there is nothing wrong with placing an area rug over your neutral carpeting!
Can't-Miss Ways...Day 2

Inventory your existing furnishings throughout the house. A nightstand in the bedroom might be the perfect end table in the family room. The artwork over your bed might look fabulous in the kitchen.
Don't be afraid to think outside the box - or room - as the case may be!
Can't-Miss, Inexpensive ways to dramatically change your home - in spite of the economy!
Day 1:
Painting will give you the most "bang for your buck" in the decorating process. Pick a color from an existing piece of art or from an area rug that you absolutely love - and you can never go wrong.

You shouldn't have to be talked into your design style!
We're here to help you release your inner designer that just can't wait to break free!
Here are some great tips to help you find your style:
1. Pull photos from magazines of any rooms that "sing" to you and take note of all the similarities between the photos (i.e. all the seating items are in neutral fabrics, dark wood elements, light walls, etc.)
2. Take a look at your current artwork, are you drawn to more contemporary styles (like abstract art) or more traditional styles (like landscapes)?
3. Do you find that you love to be surrounded by "things" like accessories or knick-knacks? If so, then you might prefer a more traditional style of decorating. If you like a more minimal take on accessorizing, you will most likely feel more comfortable with a contemporary design style.
4. Are you always drawn to the same stores when shopping for home items? These stores may help you define your unique sense of style. For instance, if you find yourself browsing at Crate & Barrel all the time, your style is definitely more contemporary.
What's your style? We'd love to know!